Set the alarm for the morning of Thanksgiving so you can wake up and put the bird in and go back to sleep.
Make sure to take the giblets out of the turkey before it goes into the oven.

Make as many of the sides before so all you have to do is ether warm them up if they are pre-cooked or bake them if not pre-cooked.
Store bought pies and dinner rolls are sometimes just as good Another alternative is purchasing pre-made sides from the grocery store many are as good as homemade.
Have family and friends all make a dish similar to a “Pot Luck”
Invite friends that don’t have family in the area. If you have relatives coming they will be on their best behavior and it reduces stress.
Don’t feel obligated to invite family.

Pre-set the table 1-2 days in advance and put serving dishes out so all you have to do is put the food on and fill the glasses.
Purchase everything 2 weeks before. Items will be less expensive, less lines and you know the items will be in stock.
Don’t feel obligated to cook. All the grocery stores have Thanksgiving dinners you can order in advance.
Don’t do what you don’t like to do. If you don’t like to do dishes order them from Party Plus and they will drop them off and pick them up and you don’t have to do the dishes.
If you have to go to multiple Thanksgiving dinners eat the entrée at one, veggies at the other and desserts at the last one.

Relax and have fun. Don’t feel bad saying NO or asking people to help. After all, this is a celebration!
Another idea is have everyone bring a favorite Thanksgiving dish and you provide the turkey.
You provide the turkey or ham and ask friends to bring desserts and wine. I do this every year and my friends bring their own specialties.
A helpful list for reducing Thanksgiving stress. I’m writing about the topic, so I’ll link to your blog.
A helpful list for reducing Thanksgiving stress. I’m writing about the topic, so I’ll link to your blog.