Home Organization

7 Best Easy Spring DIY Projects
Spring - the season of change. The turning point millions around the

Transform Your Garage: Easy Steps to Create a Clean and Organized Space
When most people move into a new home, they picture their cars

How to Get Organized Before a Move

Navigating Downsizing in Retirement: How to Handle a Too-Big Home
Downsizing can be a smart decision for seniors. However, it can also

Save Space In Your Kitchen With This Faucet
I recently discovered a new gorgeous faucet that provides filtered water without

One Thing This Professional Organizer Would Never Do In Her Home
In a recent article published in Reader’s Digest, one of my organizing

5 Smart Spice Storage Tips
Reprinted with permission from hgtv.comThey say variety is the spice of life,

A Bachelor’s Laundry Closet Becomes Functional
Situation:When you don’t have a full laundry room, sometimes you need to

Organizing School Papers
Dear Kathi,I have three children, ages 17 through 26 years. I have

5 Tips for a Smooth Landing After a Summer Vacation
The reason people go on vacation is to escape the demands and

Some Useful Links for You to Get Started
When most people move into a new home, they picture their cars

Organizing Tips and Tricks For Hosting a Party
Summertime is the perfect season for organizing and hosting outdoor parties and

Moving is Easier When You Are Organized

Less Clutter Helps You Find Lost Things
I recently came across an article that talked about clutter in a new

Preparation Will Bring Peace To Your Holidays
As the holidays approach, you might find yourself wishing for more hours

The TOP 13 Most Thoughtful and Clutter-Free Gift Ideas

Nine Holiday Attire Style Tips
If you are tired of wearing the standard red and green holiday

14 Simple Tips To Reduce Stress and Enjoy Your Thanksgiving Dinner
Set your alarmSet the alarm for the morning of Thanksgiving so you

Organizing A Halloween Trunk N’ Treat Party In 9 Easy Steps
Are you planning an alternative Trunk'nTreat Halloween celebration for kids and families this year?For

Organizing Your Refrigerator and Your Leftover Meals
Dear Kathi ~ I need help in my refrigerator!This year we had

5 Tips to Allergy-Proof Your Home and Stop Unwanted Allergy Invaders
Allergies affect one out of every five Americans in the United States.Allergies

Organizing The Zones Within Your Kitchen
Dear Kathi, I would like some tips on organizing my kitchen. I’ve

Is a Shoe Rack the Best Method for Organizing Shoes?
(Part One)(Part Two)Organizing shoes can become a burden when your closet is

3 Myths About Home Organization
How much do you care about home organization? Look around you, if

Unique Storage Solutions for Your Home
Do you feel that you have enough storage space? Many homeowners will

Get Your Home Organized and Your Life Energized!
If you feel overwhelmed and not quite ready to begin prepping and

Become Organized 2018 Special
This is your opportunity to increase your success and create more space

Declutter And Organize Your Digital Clutter
It might be time to declutter your computer if you’ve ever spent

You Can Use Moving as a Catalyst for Downsizing
Most of us, who have never experienced downsizing, have excess clutter lying

Recycling Your Old Batteries Is Easy
A client recently made this discovery about a new method for recycling

Bottled Water ~ Did you know nearly 50% of the bottled water is tap water?

4 Tips to Keep Your Car Organized (+ Bonus Video to Organize Grocery Shopping)
Cars that used to be luxury items are now turning into on-the-go

How to Increase The Storage Space Within Your Small Closet
What’s the best way to manage the limited space without having to

How to Spring Clean With Ease All Year Long
Ready to clean but can’t find the scrubber brush? Keep a separate bucket

Two Sisters Get Organized, Decluttered and Moved into Separate Bedrooms
I recently had the pleasure of helping two girls move into separate

It’s National Pet Day – Are Your Pets Organized?

Spring Cleaning Goes Faster With The Proper Home Cleaning Kit
WANT TO MAKE CLEANING YOUR HOME EASIER?This home cleaning kit was created

Is 2016 The Year You Finally Get Your Home Organized?
Getting your entire home organized might seem like an overwhelming task. Maybe

Get Organized and Take Stock Before You Shop For The Holidays
It’s that time of year when houses fill with holiday cheer in

Organizing Bathrooms
Dear Kathi,My bathroom is small and very disorganized. We just moved in

Organizing a Cluttered and Messy Garage

Organize Your Time ~ Maximize Your Efficiency
If you are a committed worker, you certainly have your little tricks

Purging Clothes Closet
Dear Kathi,My clothes closet is bulging at the seams! How do I

Organizing Study Environment
Kathi,My high school kids are getting ready to go back to school.

Are You Losing It?
According to New Scientist magazine, “People tend to mislay an average of

Organizing Kids Art
Dear Kathi,My two elementary age children are returning to school in a

Organizing Sticky Notes
Kathi,Our house is being overrun by sticky notes. I’ve tried to teach

Organizing Your Laundry Room
Kathi,My laundry room is in the garage and is an unorganized mess.

Missing Socks
Dear Kathi,I am constantly trying to find the mates to my socks.

Dirty or Clean? That is the Question
Here is an organizing challenge that many of my clients create for

Organizing Clutter
Dear Kathi,Help! My house is piled so high with clutter that I

Packing for Business Trips
Dear Kathi,I take many business trips throughout the year and usually either

What to Pack and Organize When Moving Into a College Dorm Room
The following is a comprehensive list of items you will need for

How to Make the Most of The Small Space in Your Dorm Room
Adjusting to the small space of a dorm room can present many

Are You a Professional Waster?
Are you a Professional Waster? Do you waste minutes and even hours

Tips for Organizing a Home Attic
Regardless of how cold it is today, when you least expect it

Being Organized Saves You Time!

Organizing Kitchen Gadgets
Kathi,My kitchen is running out of space. I have too many gadgets

Hosting Guests from Out of Town
Dear Kathi,I have dear friends coming into town for the holidays and

Clothes Shopping on a Budget
Dear Kathi,I’m on a tight budget and really want to buy some

Organizing Heirlooms

Paper Organization
Dear Kathi, I have piles of paper spread all throughout my house. I

Kids Party Etiquette
Dear Kathi,All of my friends are confused about attending parties with our

Organizing Piles
Dear Kathi,I seem to spend my time constantly tackling piles around my

The Problems Of Clutter When Working From Home
If you are an ecommerce entrepreneur working from home you may find

Organizing Collections
Dear Kathi,I like to collect shot glasses and sports memorabilia. My wife is

Garage Playroom Before & After
Before: Can you believe 2 little boys can make this much of a

Organizing Small Closets
Dear Kathi,I have a really hard time storing my clothes. My closet

A Messy Pantry Gets Organized

Organizing Toys
Dear Kathi,I have five kids and their toys have taken over my

Keep Bathroom Countertops Clean and Organized
Dear Kathi,My bathroom makes me want to scream. I hate trying to

Purchasing Quality Shirts
Dear Kathi,I am getting ready to restock my dress shirts. In the

Organize and Prioritize
Dear Kathi,I am determined to use my time more effectively this year.

Letting Go of Clothes
Dear Kathi,My closet is full of clothes that I don’t want to

Gifts for Friends with Limited Space
Dear Kathi,What type of gift would you recommend for my friends who

Death By Clutter: Sometimes Your Mess Can Kill You
We’re all guilty of amassing clutter in some form. Whether it’s a

Top 10 Things Clients Say When Getting Organized!

Myth #12 About Clutter and Getting Organized

Myth #11 About Clutter and Getting Organized
Myth #11If there is open space in my closet, desk or drawer,

Myth #10 About Clutter and Getting Organized
Myth #10I might really need this some dayOne of my clients came

Myth #9 About Clutter and Getting Organized

Myth #8 About Clutter and Getting Organized
Myth #8I need storage containers before I can get organized.So many clients

Myth #7 About Clutter and Getting Organized

Myth #6 About Clutter and Getting Organized

Easy Ways To Prepare Your Tax Return Faster
If you are feeling overwhelmed as the April 15th tax deadline approaches,

Myth #5 About Clutter and Getting Organized

Myth #4 About Clutter and Getting Organized
Myth #4Clutter is always a messy business!In my world and in my

Myth #3 About Clutter and Getting Organized

Myth #2 About Clutter and Getting Organized
Myth #2I don’t have time to get organized.Not true. We all have

Busting Ten Myths About Clutter and Getting Organized
What does it really take to live efficiently? We have many misperceptions

Letting Go After a Loved One has Passed Away
Often I’ve been called in to help people with what I consider

3 Myths About Clutter That Are Probably Causing You Stress

Are Your Papers Organized and Filed?
Are your papers organized? Would you like an easy to use paper

Can You Get Your Kids To Organize Their Rooms? Yes, You Can!
Contrary to what you may think, it IS possible for your kids

Keeping Your Jewelry Collection Organized
Keeping your jewelry organized and easily accessible is the key to having

Organizing Your Refrigerator Can Expand Your Wallet and Reduce Your Waistline
Today I’m going to share with you the often overlooked importance of

Six Benefits of Getting Organized

3 Questions to Help Alleviate Clutter Overwhelm
Today I’m going to shed some light on your relationship with “stuff”.Think

Best Practices For Organizing Your Garage
Situation: The garage had become a holding zone for household items and

An Organized Fridge Helps You Lose Weight and Save Money
Today I’m going to share with you the often overlooked importance of

7 Steps For Creating an Efficient Toy or Sports Closet

Tips to Help You Get Your Garage Organized
As with any other space within your home, a well-organized garage always

Do You Need to Get Your Garage Organized?
Why do people park $30,000-50,000 cars in their driveway – exposed to

Where Did That Come From?! Consuming Less Helps You Become Better Organized
Many people acquire possessions without thought. During private consultations, my clients often

Want to get motivated to get your life organized? Listen to this statistic:

Recycle Old Toothbrushes
When you come across old toothbrushes, do not put these into the

Conserve Ink and Print Faster

What to do with Laptop & Cellphone Batteries
Laptop, Cell phone and MP3 batteries should be recycled.These types of batteries

What to do with Dead Batteries
If you hesistate to toss your batteries in to the trash, you

Recycle your Old Ink Cartridges
Don’t toss them into the trash!Did you know that USPS provides free

Recycle your Old Cellphones

Where to Recycle Your Old Electronics
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (visit site), electronic waste can contain

Recycle Your Television

Go Green in the Shower

Recycling Cans is Not Just for the Homeless

Go Green With Your Party Utensils
Using plastic products for your next party might save you time but

Paper Napkins at Your Party? Go Green Instead
Go green and add more class to your party with linens!Skip paper

10 Lifestyle Guidelines for Trimming Down Your Clutter

Go Green for Your Next Party
Thinking about having a big shindig this summer? This week I will

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Source Reduction is a mission we all need to embrace more and

Downsizing to a Smaller Home
Dear Kathi,My husband and I have recently downsized to a smaller house.

Lessons from My Pedestal Sink and My Cosmetics Collection
After moving into our new home, I discovered very quickly that I

How to Organize your Closet with an App- Is your iPhone Really that Smart?

Book and Paper Clutter Can Cause Overwhelm and Make You Miss Opportunities
Hello,Thank you for all the wonderful information that you share. My story,

5 Incredibly Easy Bathroom Organizing & Storage Tips
1. Keep a separate bucket of cleaning products in each major cleaning area.2. Use

A Clever Jewelry Organizer
Here’s an easy way to organize your jewelry. Simply buy a fishing

Daily Tip #9: Money Can’t Buy Happiness
Your possessions can create a false reality of happiness. I recently read

Daily Tip #8: Internal Conflict Creates External Clutter
Sometimes clutter can be an indicator that the person wants to retreat

Daily Tip #7: Let Go of the Past
Here is another ‘clutter versus change’ scenario to ponder. Sometimes people hold

Daily Tip #6: Ditch the “Skinny” Clothes
Clutter happens when your life changes and you are not really ready

Daily Tip #5: Confront the Cause of Your Clutter
There are many hidden reasons why people have cluttered surroundings. It could

Daily Tip #4: Stop Paper Clutter from Entering Your Home
Here’s a staggering statistic: The average disorganized home contains over 3000 documents.

Daily Tip #1: Start the New Year Strong!
Happy 2015!This is the perfect year to create new opportunities and positive

Storing Your Holiday Decorations for Next Year
Here are some easy tips to organize and store your holiday decorations

Recycle Your Used or Old Holiday Cards to Charity

How to Get Organized, Recycle and Move Your Excess Forward

New Years Resolutions
Dear Kathi,I would like to keep my New Years resolutions next year.

Planning and Organizing a New Years Party
Dear Kathi,I am planning a party this New Year and would like

Organizing and Clutter-Free Gift Solutions

Organizing for the New Year
Dear Kathi,I would like to keep my New Years resolutions. I know

Your Laundry Hamper – Your Most Important Bedroom Organizing Tool
Use a Hamper (or two)The most important organizing tool you can have

What to Do with Magazines and Interesting Articles
Hi Kathi,I just discovered your website and really enjoyed it! But what

A Fashion Question – Tights or Hose?
Kathi! Help! We are headed to my friends wedding on Long Island.

7 Tips For a More Organized Master Closet
1. Keep all clothing and shoes off of the floor.2. Keep enough space under

Tips for Relocating and Moving
Dear Kathi,Next month my family will be relocating to Florida for my

If You Have Clutter, Listen Up!
Most people are fearful about change. When we make change, we are

7 Tips for a More Organized Closet
1. Keep all clothing and shoes off the floor2. Keep the floor clear easy

Reinventing Yourself After A Layoff or Corporate Downsize
The best way to begin reinventing yourself after a layoff is to

When to Turn to Temporary Self Storage Options
Before you read this article, make sure you re-read the title: When

Another Shoe Organizing Idea

Organizing Your Linen Closet and Downsizing Your Sheet Collection

Garage Organizing in a Day
This weekend I found myself unmucking a garage so that yet another

Why Being Organized Can Make You Healthier
Having a cluttered home makes it very difficult to find what you

10 Ways to Turn Your Bedroom from Clutter Filled to Designer Chic
It’s easy for a bedroom to become disorganized. As one of the

Organizing a Shared Bathroom ~ 14 Tips to Keep Your Bathroom Chaos Free
If several household members are sharing a bathroom, follow these 14 tips

Organizing Your Holiday Schedule
Dear Kathi,I get overwhelmed every year around this time and always feel

Organize Your Holiday Tasks With These Quick Tips

Finish Your Holiday Tasks Early This Year!
Create a Holiday Organizing Binder – Create one this year and use it for years

Women, Divorce and Clutter: How to Leave Strong!
Recently I had a golden opportunity to collaborate with a group of

Keeping Your Jewelry Organized and Safe While Traveling

Organizing Holiday Decorations
Dear Kathi,Every year as I unpack my holiday decorations, I am overwhelmed

Helping Kids Learn Organizing Skills is a Worthwhile Endeavor

Want to teach your kids how to save money?
Tap into their video game passion and make their playtime pay off.

10 Things We Can Do To Achieve Balance
1. Quality time with family.Choosing to pick up my daughter from school

Go Green, Buy Less and Repurpose Your Coffee Filters
COFFEE FILTERS – Quick solutions for something you probably already own and

Organizing Holiday Cards
Dear Kathi,I am beginning to plan for the holidays and already feel

Tips for Decluttering Your Life and Your Home
I recently received a question from an addSpace follower. I am certain

Home Organization Includes Creating an Organized and Efficient Home Office

Managing Your Reading Clutter
One of the biggest contributors to paper clutter is the amount of

What Sets addSpace Apart From Other Coaching Services

How To Stay Organized and Have More Time for Yourself
Dear Kathi,How do you get started when organizing seems like a big elephant looming

Organize Your Magazines, Reduce Clutter, Read More

Organizing Time for the Holidays
Time is our most precious resource. We all have the same amount

A Wedding Gown for an Emerald ~ First in the Series-> A Gown for Every Body
Almost every year I find myself working with brides to help them

8 Tips to Downsize with Less Effort
Many of us experience the need to downsize or help others downsize.

What to do in an Earthquake – The Triangle of Life Technique

5 Tips for Creating More Space in Your Home Office
Working from a home office can have many conveniences. Being at home

Spring Cleaning and Shoe Donations
Hello Kathi,I did spring cleaning. I filled 5+ bags of clothes, and

19 Ways to Green Your Office
Despite numerous government schemes and seemingly constant press coverage, when it comes

How to Get Your Teenager to Organize Their Bedroom

Tricks for Transitioning from Work to Retiree Wardrobe
Dear Kathi,Women go through many changes in their lives. Making the transition

Expediting Your Morning Routine When You Have Children
One of the most difficult aspects of raising children that parents often

Recycling and Donation Centers in San Diego County
Recycling & Donations In San Diego CountyTABLE OF CONTENTS1Automobiles 2Batteries 3Books /

Six Tips For Managing Your College Schedule
Your first year away at college can be stressful. After a long

Mastering Your Goals Through Thought, Speech and Action
This is an excerpt from my book~ How to Master Your Muck. If you

Clean Out Your Refrigerator
November is National ‘Clean Out Your Refrigerator’ Month! Do you have any

What to take to bed with you – not a joke
Put your car keys beside your bed at night. Tell your spouse,

Recycling Your Old Computers
You just purchased a new computer but might be in a quandary

Makeup Storage Solution by an Inventive Client!
Most women wonder what to do with their makeup collection. For the

Ten Tips for One Suitcase Packing
You are faced with many tough decisions when you decide to pack

Three Sure-Fire Ways to Organize the Canned Goods in Your Pantry
Although my family eats mainly fresh vegetables, we still need to keep

Organizing and Preserving Your Family Photos
What You Should Know About Photo StorageEveryone has pictures. Our photographs hold

Get Organized – Go Green – Support Your Local School System
Your local school art and music programs need your clutter!Clear your clutter

Eight Quick and Easy Kitchen Storage Solutions
As a Professional Organizer, over the years I have tested and used

A new and incredibly easy way to organize your purse!

What is NAPO and what is a CPO?
If you are considering hiring an organizer to help you with your

Top 5 Ways Tips to Save Time and Be Organized While Moving
When you move, your life is literally turned upside down with everything

Organizing List of Tasks
Dear Kathi,I am determined to use my time more effectively this year.

Organizing Your Pet’s Clutter

It Takes 4-6 Weeks to Develop a New Habit- How Will You Eliminate Bad Habits?
STOP…CHALLENGE…CHOOSEA friend/client sent emailed this to me and I thought you might

Scrapbook Organizing Tips

Storing Seasonal Sports Clothing
Hi Kathi,Thanks for the great tips on sock organization…. It seems to

Mommy Tips for Surviving Teenage Schedules

What Items Should I Place in the Different Sizes of Moving Box?

How to Organize Before a Move
When preparing to move, many folks don’t know where to start. The

Clothing Sizes and Fit ~ why it is difficult to find the right size
Finding the right size clothes is often a very mysterious and painstaking

Leftovers, Fridge Storage and Weight Loss
Pre-planning what you eat on a regular basis will save you money

Garage Organizing ~ FAQ
Here are a few answers to my most frequently asked questions:Q) What

Organizing for College move-in day starts with preparation
Sept 3, 2008By Maria Connor – Featuring tips from Kathi Burnspublished in

Enjoy Summer in the Perfect Hat
A Guide for Choosing the Right Hat Are you looking for the perfect

Little Known Secrets For Photo Storage
Proper photo storage is more than simply placing pictures in a photo

Finding a Reputable Mover
As fall approaches many of us, including myself are in transition and

How to store almost anything, both at home and in storage units
As much as I try to discourage clients from using offsite storage

Dressing for Success – There is Life After Kids
Everyone reaches milestones where their lives change forever. Babies arrive, schedules become

The Keys to Designing a Functional Kitchen
Today, kitchens are the focal point of many homes and account for

Deep Bathroom Shelves Can Become a Black Hole
Kathi,I have a challenge for you:I have built-in shelving in my bathroom.

Glove Compartment Organization 101
The glove compartment inside of your vehicle is most likely used for

8 Dont’s When Working at Home
1. Don’t let your workspace become a ‘catch all’ for junk or

Use hanging file folders to seperate papers within file drawers
The filing question from yesterday reminds me of another common scenario. I

File papers into hanging folders ‘heads to the right’

Paper Shredding Services
A question recently came through my InBox and I thought many of

The First 30 Days, Your Guide to Any Change

Eco Friendly Organizing – Computer Donations & Recycling
If you have ancient, unusable computers lurking in your closets, now is

Top Ten Tips for Organizing Your Medicine Cabinet
Have you or someone in your family ever felt that “cold coming

Dressing for a Formal Birthday Party
Hi there,I read your article on Dressing For A Formal Event. I was hoping

Three Steps To Organizing Your Bedroom

Bedroom Organization 101: Tame Your Closet and Manage Your Entertainment
Bedroom organization is crucial to creating an environment that is soothing and

Organizing a Study Space in Your Child’s Room

4 Tips to Eliminate Clutter and Create Positive Feng Shui in Your Home
There are two very popular interests related to the home: getting rid

Organizing Your Child’s Playroom
Our kids accumulate belongings starting at birth and continuing throughout the rest

Mailman Blues? Piles & piles of mail to sort through daily?
Solution: Sort your mail before you bring it into your home. Discard

Can’t leave home because you can’t find your keys?
Seriously folks, it’s as easy as hanging a hook by the door.

Overwhelmed by Clutter?
Solution: Start with the most visible eyesore piles in your life. Dedicate

The missing sock syndrome – it happens to all of us!
Solution: Keep an old pillowcase in your laundry area. When a lone

Have a hodgepodge of collections throughout your house?
Solution: Store with style. Create or buy attractive storage containers suited for

Ready to clean but can’t find the scrubber brush?
Solution: Keep a separate bucket of cleaning products in each major cleaning

Need a checklist to keep focused?

Do you have a jumble of loose photographs?
Solution: Find the photos that you really love & frame them. For

Want to get organized but don’t know where to start?
Solution: Tackle one room at a time. For starters, take on the

Too many things to read? Organize Your reading Material
Solution: Create temporary storage for the items that come & go in

Extreme Organizing For Travel – one carry-on bag and a satchel
The key to packing lightly is to choose one main color palette,

Darker Skin Tones and Hair Color
Dear Kathi,I have attached a picture of me, please tell me what

Organizing Bedrooms
Your bedroom is your refuge away from the busy life you lead

Dressing Casual at Work
Our style of dressing at work and elsewhere becomes our trademark. We

Bathroom Organizing Before & After
Situation: Papers and other non-bathroom related items clogging up the bathroom counter

The addSpace Guide to Ridding Your House of ‘Kid Clutter’
The kids hit school age, and suddenly everything they own is underfoot.

Organize Backyard Garden Shed
As summer arrives and the yard and garden beckon, the problem of

Taking back and organizing your garage
Would you like to use your garage for its intended purpose? If

Recycle Your Family Treasures

Ten quick refrigerator organizing tips, Plus 5 freezer organizing tips
1. If your fridge is not equipped with enough drawers for your

Time Management Basics (PT2)
Take Control and Create More TimeArrive early for appointments* Relieve unnecessary stress*

Effective Time Management Helps You Get What You Want
Abe Lincoln’s Philosophy:“One hour of preparation saves me eight hours of perspiration.”Abraham

Organizing using Feng Shui
A reader asks:Dear Kathi,I am really interested in clearing my clutter for

Organizing Kitchen
A good kitchen design will have streamlined workflow patterns and also compliment

Organizing Baby Clothes
A reader asks:Kathi,I have an old leather trunk with a shelf inside,

Organize Business Contacts

Organizing Refrigerators
Do you feel like you can never find anything in your refrigerator?

What’s in Your Junk Drawer?

Organizing Garages

Organizing a Shared Bathroom
Dear Kathi,My bathroom is small and very disorganized. We just moved in

Organizing for ADHD
Dear Kathi,Here’s the scene: I have three kids and a husband who

Cleaning and Organizing Your Closet
Dear Kathi,I would love to know how to make multiple outfits out

A Garage Gets Organized

Clearing Clutter using Feng Shui
Dear Kathi,I am really interested in clearing my clutter for better feng

An Overstuffed Closet Get Organized
She also has a stash of books about organizing, but because she

Organizing Baggage
Dear Kathi,I have a three-bedroom home with a two-car garage. I recently

Finding the Right Suit

Organizing Children’s Toys and Clothes
Dear Kathi,I am a work-at-home mom, not to be confused with a

Organizing Home and Work Schedule

Organizing and Eliminating Paper Flow
Dear Kathi,I recently made a commitment to clear out the enormous amount

Life Without Clutter. . .
Today I want to let you in on some little-known facts…First: studies

The Twilight Zone ~ Your Piles of Books and Magazines
Today I’m actually not going to talk about the Twilight Zone, specifically…

Eliminating Clutter and Stale Energy
Dear Kathi,How do you get started when organizing seems like a big

Need to Get Your Business Ramped Up and More Successful? Check Out This Office Organization Online Course
It's Time to Finally Get Your Office Organized & Simplified Focus on growing your

Shelves Can Create Storage in Old Sheds

Organizing RV Packing List
Dear Kathi,We are getting ready to go on another adventure in our

Organizing Study Areas
Dear Kathi, I would like to organize my middle school son's room

Organizing Under Kitchen Sink
Dear Kathi,I have tried for years to organize the space underneath my

Organizing Time for Self
Dear Kathi, How do you get started when organizing seems like a

What to Wear with Wide Hips and Long Legs

5 Office Organizing Solutions
Dear Kathi,My desk is overloaded with papers and bills. I have tried

Time Management, Organizing To-do List
Dear Kathi,I really need to find a way to manage my schedule

Document Storage
Dear Kathi,My wife and I are having an argument about what papers

Organize Old Photos
Dear Kathi,I have a jumble of loose photographs in shoeboxes, drawers and

Organize next move to make unpacking a breeze

Finding Storage in Small Spaces
May is National Moving Month and also, ironically, National Mental Health Month.

A Few of My Favorite Kitchen Organizing Products
This page contains items that I have in my kitchen and enjoy

5 Tips to Help Organize Your Mail

Finally ~ an Easy Way to Keep Cords From Sliding Off Your Desk

Tote Buddy Saves Time and Money Grocery Shopping
The Tote Buddy is a fashionable binder that holds about 10 reusable

Organizing Shoes
Dear Kathi,Help! My shoes have taken over my entire closet. They are

Practical Garage Organization

Finding the Solution to Lost-Sock Syndrome
Dear Kathi,I am experiencing sock challenges. For starters, I never can seem

Organizing Your Home Office
Kathi,I need help setting up my home office space. I have recently

Staying Organized During Relocation
Dear Kathi,Next month my family will be relocating to Florida for my

Organize Old Manuals with Folders
Dear Kathi,My husband insists on saving the manuals and warranty slips for

Downsizing from Large Home
Dear Kathi,We are getting ready to downsize from a 3,500 square foot

Purging and Downsizing
Dear Kathi, We have acquired a lot of furniture over the years

Dressing for Menopause with Style
Dear Kathi,I’m going through menopause and I can’t seem to find anything

Garage Organization
Dear Kathi,We are really motivated to clean out our garage this summer.

How to Keep Your Refrigerator Organized ~ Maintaining Order in Your Fridge
Dear Kathi,I can never seem to find anything in my refrigerator. I

Wardrobe Update for Working Mom

Organizing Teaching Materials
Dear Kathi,I am a Special Ed schoolteacher. I hate to spend time

Stash Before You Trash with Semi-Permanent Storage Solutions
Although you may want to devote a single weekend to performing a

Planning a Wedding on Short Notice
Dear Kathi,I am getting married this September. We have just begun planning

Car Organization

Clothes Storage
Dear Kathi,I have enough dresser space to hold all of my casual

Organizing Systems
Dear Kathi,I am a housewife but my partner is the organizer in

Organizing the Hall Closet
Kathi,My hall closet is always a mess! It’s full of coats and

Organizing Weight Loss

Organizing Appointments
Dear Kathi,My system for remembering appointments is not working. I can’t keep

Organizing Storage Shed
Dear Kathi,My husband wants to convert our shed into a workshop. I’m

Are you disorganized top to bottom, side to side, and every other way imaginable?

Organize Trophy Collection
Dear Kathi,My son has been playing little league baseball for six years

Organizing Newspapers
Dear Kathi,My home is overrun with newspapers and magazines. We read the

Organizing Dish Towels
Dear Kathi,I need to find a new system for organizing my kitchen

Organizing Keys
Dear Kathi,I have a hard time leaving home every morning because I

Organizing Your Clothes
Dear Kathi,My closets and dressers are making me crazy. I can’t find

Organizing Home Office
Kathi,I work from home and can’t seem to stay focused. My desk

Organizing Hobbies
Kathi,My husband has a lot of hobbies that are spread throughout the

Work at Home Moms, Home Offices, Kids

Clothing Advice For Plus-Size Hour Glass Body

Bathroom Cabinet Organization
Dear Kathi, My cabinets under the bathroom sink are always crowded and

Organizing a Large House
Dear Kathi,Why do you think there is such a need for organizers

Home Office Design, Organizing Desk Configuration (part 2)
(Part 2) Doris, This week I would like to discuss your teenage

Home Office Design, Organizing Desk Configuration (part 1)
Dear Kathi,There is a debate in our household about the set up

Refrigerator Organizing & Organizing Grocery Shopping
Dear Kathi,I have a small refrigerator and am constantly losing things in

Organizing Toy Storage & Hall Closet Organizing
Dear Kathi,I have a very small hall closet that currently is used

Organizing a Home Based Business
Dear Kathi,“I am updating the office space for my home-based business. In

Get Control of Your Time and Become More Productive
Need a few solid tips to become more productive and get better

Dressing Casual Without Jeans
Dear Kathi,I’m 42 years old, petite (5′ 1″), short-waisted, pear-shaped, and about

Organizing a Small Kitchen
Dear Kathi,I live in a small cottage and don’t have enough drawer

Watercolor Artist Gets His Supplies Organized
Situation: A watercolor artist and instructor needed to get his art supplies

Party Etiquette

Garage Organizing
Dear Kathi,We are moving across country and will have a new three-car

Living in a Small Space

Are you a Professional Waster?
Are you a Professional Waster? Do you waste minutes and even hours

A note about space and why it’s important
A comment after my appearance on the Business Explosion Panel:“Loved what you said today about

Organizing Post Christmas Blues
Want to feel great next year before the holidays begin? Create a

Organized House Cleaning
Kathi,I hate to clean but can’t afford a housekeeper. How can I

Refrigerator Organization
November is National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Month, so let's talk turkey

Beach Cottage Basement Witnesses 5 Generations of History
Situation: A beach cottage with at least five generations of family memorabilia stashed

addSpace receives the Best of Encinitas Award!
(prREACH) January 11, 2014 — addSpace to Your Life! a professional organizing and

Healthy New Year Habits for Entrepreneurs
Manage your emails and phone callsa. Never check email or voice mail

Year End Gratitude Sale ~ Teleconsulting ~ buy 3 hours get one free!
Happy Holidays from addSpace To Your Life! As the year ends, I

Year End Gratitude Organizing Special

Create a Gift Station for Yourself this Holiday Season
As the holidays draw near there, is nothing better than a having

How a busy family organized their entryway table
Situation: This client has a busy family, with people often running in

Colored Tubs for Holiday Decor – Get Them Now
This is the time to get your colored holiday tubs. They come

Clear the Clutter Before the Holidays
As a child the holiday season seems so magical. Houses are decorated,

Stop Junk Mail!
The DirectMail.com National Do Not Mail ListThe key to stopping unwanted advertising

Learn How to Dress Your Best ~ Part One ~ The Wardrobe Audit
Natalie : Hi I’m Natalie Ledwell and this is the Inspiration Show.

Learn How To Dress Your Best ~ Part Two ~ The Makeover Results
Natalie : Hi I’m Natalie Ledwell and this is the Inspiration Show

How a busy cook got the spices in her kitchen organized
(Transcripton)Belinda: As an example of what I’m talking about, I’m quite the

addSpace is now a top ranked Professional Organizing Consultancy on Find My Organizer.com
addSpace To Your Life! is a top San Diego, CA professional organizer

Free Organizing Tele Summit!
Are you ready for a RESET????Summer is over and the holiday season

Recycle and Donate Your Old Eyeglasses This Friday!
This Friday September 6, 2013, you will have the chance to help

Four Rules to Help Maintain Order in an Organized Home
Maintaining an organized home, is what I like to call keeping your

What steps do I need to take to clear my clutter?
Start with making this agreement with yourself in advance: If I don’t

Do not let your possessions possess you!
No matter what your life situation is, clutter happens. If you have

I want to get de-cluttered. Where do I start?

Getting Organized Increases Your Self-Esteem

Muck Happens to Everyone ~ Here’s what to do about it
A favorite phrase of people lately is “life happens.” Life, in fact,

Clutter Follows the Law of Attraction
If you have studied the Law of Attraction, you have probably figured

A Laundry Room Comes Clean
Situation: This is typical for a laundry room- lots of clutter on

Closet Transformation
Situation: This client had a lovely walk in closet that had been

This kitten is organized and ready to travel

Wedding Gown Dreams Can Come True

A Messy Makeup Drawer Gets Organized
Situation:Many of us have makeup drawers that are simply not functional. This

How to Organize an Overflowing Linen Closet
Situation: This linen closet was stuffed full of sheets, towels, and toiletries.

Learn how to get your home organized during this free presentation
Did you know that clearing the clutter in your home will eliminate

How to turn a cluttered closet into a store for extra goods
Situation: This hall closet was full of mismatched stuff, old linens and

How to Organize ANY Closet
Would you like to get inspired to clean out your closets and

The Iron Versus The Cat
Monopoly claims that ironing is on a decline. Why not tell that

How to Organize Your Laundry Area
Situation: This laundry area was unorganized and under utilized. As you can

How an Ikea closet system can turn a small closet into big storage

How to keep school papers organized
Overwhelmed by all the papers your kid brings home from school? Make

Author Christine Fonseca’s muck
Even successful writers have muck! When working creatively, it’s easy for the

How to downsize your wardrobe

A great piece of advice from a Master your Muck reader
Here’s a great tip from Bobbi, who read Master your Muck and

Green Tips For Your Next Party
Ok, so you dont want to use paper products and you definitely dont want

Conquer the paper piles

Don’t keep every heirloom you inherit

How to control clutter in a big family

How to combat perfectionism
Do you get so caught up in staying organized and putting things