Kathi’s expert advice has been featured in national media outlets including Oprah Magazine, Martha Stewart Living and Better Homes and Gardens, Entrepreneur Magazine, and more. As the author of 2 books, Kathi has also developed several online courses to help clients get better organized and energized in all areas of their home, life, and business.
Check out all of the systems you can use here

Kathi’s expert advice has been featured in national media outlets including Oprah Magazine, Martha Stewart Living and Better Homes and Gardens, Entrepreneur Magazine, and more. 

As the author of 2 books, Kathi has also developed several online courses to help clients get better organized and energized in all areas of their home, life, and business.
Check out more systems you can use here

Kathi’s expert advice has been featured in national media outlets including Oprah Magazine, Martha Stewart Living and Better Homes and Gardens, Entrepreneur Magazine, and more. 

As the author of 2 books, Kathi has also developed several online courses to help clients get better organized and energized in all areas of their home, life, and business.
Check out all of the systems you can use here

If you have studied the Law of Attraction, you have probably figured out that it affects everything in your life, sadly also including clutter!

For those of you who are not familiar with this universal law, it goes like this: like begets like. Or said another way, similar things, thoughts, or people are attracted to each other.

So in every home, a small amount of clutter will attract another small piece of clutter with little, or absolutely no, effort on your part. Think about the shirt that was left lying on the floor by the bed. I would wager that if it is not picked up within a few hours, the next day more clothing items will have piled up and jumped into the party!

This is why, as  Professional Organizer I frequently say, guard your space with your life! Keep things vertical and out of piles because clutter is a major attractor magnet. If your clothes are hung up, for instance, the likelihood that they will attract more clutter around them is much less than if they are lying on a table, floor, dressertop or any other horizontal surface.

So, the moral to this story is this: do not let things pile up around you. You can keep clutter away by simply checking each surface (including the floor!) as you move about your home. Take the time to return items to their designated ‘home’ after every use.

Remember: a task is not done until all tools and materials are put away. This includes taking off your clothes each night. Decide right then, are they clean or dirty? If clean, put them back into the closet or dresser drawer. If they are dirty, toss them into the hamper. Don’t get stuck with the idea that they are only halfway dirty. With this attitude, they can’t be hung up or tossed into the hamper and inevitably become part of the pile problem. So, make a decision, clean or dirty and take action!

Once you get into this habit in your home, clutter’s law of attraction will be stifled and you will be one step closer to mastering the Law of Attraction!

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