Go ahead and clean out your junk drawers and all of the other places where you have old phones and small electronics stashed. Once you have them gathered together, you can recycle them easily at your local post office. You can ship them off to be recycled at no charge through the USPS and you might even make a bit of money. MaxBack has partnered with USPS to buy back electronics. Check out their website to learn more.
You might not be aware of this nifty fact. Any cell phone that is charged is capable of dialing 9-11. Even without service, every phone within the US can dial this emergency number. So, another option for your old cell phones is to give them to your local women’s shelter. Women in crisis are given these cell phones so that they will have the ability to call for help if they need to, even without a mobile phone subscription service.
This is a much better use of your old phone than sitting in your junk drawer, dont you think?