Today I’m going to shed some light on your relationship with “stuff”.
Think back, for a second, about how at one point or another, your house was entirely empty.
Yet now, all around you lies “stuff” that you’ve collected over the years.
Ask yourself this honestly…
“How much of this do I need?”
“How much of this brings me joy?”
And, most importantly…
“How much of this gets in my way?”
If you find certain items getting in your way and bringing you no joy, then it only makes sense to get rid of them.
Don’t confuse this worthwhile exercise with practicing “minimalism”. Instead, it’s showing you how to identify objects that you’re merely holding onto out of habit.
Any time you feel overwhelmed in your home, look around you and ask these three questions — they can lead to outrageous and hugely beneficial change.
To your beautiful home,