Dear Kathi,
I read your column regularly and have just noticed that you are an organizer and an image consultant. Why would I need an image consultant? If I wear a classic dark suit, isn’t that good enough?
Josh, Encinitas
A classic dark suit is a step in the right direction. The question is, do you feel powerful and/or fantastic when you wear it? Does it make you stand out in a crowd of colleagues? People hire Image Consultants to search out and find the perfect clothes for their individual body.
Once a person wears clothing that is perfectly suited for their body, they understand its importance. Subtle changes include increased confidence, respect and often a rise in career stature. Remember the old adage, dress like your boss to get the promotion? It is still a viable reality.
There are tens of thousands of dark suits on the market. Image Consultants find the one suit in the one store that is the perfect suit for that client. Many people do not have the knowledge or the patience to seek and find the perfect suit. This is why, more often than not, you see people wearing clothes that don’t fit or accent their owner’s best features.
Hiring an image consultant can save hours shopping. One of my clients states frequently that he knows the clothes I choose will make him look exceptional, feel great and stand up through the test of time. In the long run, he saves time and money. He no longer owns a pile of clothes stuffed in the back of the closet that he will never wear. His closet now features a cohesive ensemble of clothes that mix and match for work as well as leisure.
How many times have you been disappointed by the clothes you brought home and wore a few times? This is exactly why people hire Image Consultants.
Please submit your questions to: [email protected]. San Diego Professional Organizer