Want to feel great next year before the holidays begin? Create a First Out Holiday Bin.
In this bin, you can store leftover holiday cards, wrapping paper, favorite holiday cd’s, your elf hat and anything else that let’s you get into the spirit before you pull out everything! I typically pull this out the week before Thanksgiving to ease myself into the holidays. This warms me up and let’;s me regroup and get ready to unpack everyhting else!
Create a ‘First Out’ Bin
Include your favorite holiday CD’s, movies, recipes, copies of your old lists, wrapping paper and any leftover greeting cards.
When packing up, be sure to put this bin up last.
Wrap Your Holiday Lights Right!
Here are a few of my favorite ways to keep holiday lights tangle free:
Buy Colored Bins While They Are in the Stores – they disappear shortly after each holiday season.
Using bins that are the color of each holiday works like magic for 2 very simple reasons:
1. When you send someone out to the garage, attic, basement they will return with the right bins. (just saying . . .)
2.With a predetermined amount of bins, you have made an informal agreement with yourself about how much holiday decor you should own.
Make sure to:
Donate the decor you didn’t use this year.
Keep only the decorations you still enjoy seeing and using.
Spend Time Setting Your Intentions
Start the new year with a predetermined set of goals in mind.
1 week of planning saves you 3 weeks of un productivity.
Clean up and organize all messy areas in your home and your mind.
Being Organized Saves You Time – people save 42% time cleaning when they are organized.
Being Organized Saves You Money – you will avoid buying duplicate items that you cant find when your house in in order.
Being Organized Eliminates Stress – Hunting and not finding when you are in a hurry only adds to your tension.
Begin now taking small baby steps and all throughout 2014. Those baby steps will get you energized and able to move forward quickly to tackle larger projects, goals and dreams!